Secondary Initial License Undergraduate Certificate

Secondary Initial License

Undergraduate Certificate

Program Delivery

On Campus

Total Credits

33 - 46 Credits

About the Program

Secondary Initial License Undergraduate Certificate

The Secondary Initial License Certificate allows students to meet licensure requirements in secondary education (grades 7-12). The program includes an intensive combination of methods courses and extensive fieldwork required throughout the duration of the program.

Upon successful completion of certificate requirements, teacher candidates are recommended for initial teacher licensure from the State of Colorado in secondary education (grades 7-12) in one of the following content areas: English language arts, social studies, world languages, mathematics, or science.

This certificate may be completed as an undergraduate or as a post-baccalaureate student.

Focus of Study

  • Integration of education courses with professional field experiences
  • Over 800 hours of supervised and mentored field experiences
  • Focus on embracing diversity and social justice throughout coursework and experiences
  • Preparation of teacher candidates with evidence-based pedagogy and best practices through carefully designed methods courses
  • Field experiences occur in partner schools and teacher candidates are provided support from mentor teachers, building liaisons, and university supervisors
  • Culminating student teaching experience during the final year of the certificate program

Program Requirements

  • 33-39 credits must be completed with a cumulative CU grade point average of 2.75.
  • All education courses must be completed with a grade of B- or better.
  • UCCS undergraduate students seeking a bachelor's degree outside of the College of Education must fulfill their major requirements in addition to the licensure certificate requirements. Undergraduate students must map their program of study with their academic advisor prior to consulting with a faculty advisor from the College of Education.

Program Coursework

English Language Arts
43 Credit Hours
  • EDUC 2000: Intro to Educational Psychology or CURR 5005: Educational Psychology  
  • EDUC 2700: Schools, Society, and Diversity or CURR 5004: Schools, Society, and Diversity  
  • EDUC 3900: Early School Diversity Practicum  
  • SPED 3001: Introduction to Special Education or SPED 5001: Foundations of Special Education  
  • EDUC 3800: ESL for Educators or CURR 5750: ESL for Educators (Recommended)
  • EDUC 3994: Introduction to Professional Year - Secondary  
  • EDUC 4600: Secondary Classroom Management 
  • EDUC 4720: Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Area 
  • EDUC 4900: School Experience - Secondary  
  • EDUC 4810: Secondary English Methods
  • EDUC 4740: Differentiating Instruction for Secondary Teachers: Teaching to Meet the Needs of All Learners  
  • EDUC 4790: Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Evaluation  
  • EDUC 4950: Secondary - Student Teaching  
Social Studies
43 Credit Hours
  • EDUC 2000: Intro to Educational Psychology or CURR 5005: Educational Psychology  
  • EDUC 2700: Schools, Society, and Diversity or CURR 5004: Schools, Society, and Diversity  
  • EDUC 3900: Early School Diversity Practicum  
  • SPED 3001: Introduction to Special Education or SPED 5001: Foundations of Special Education  
  • EDUC 3800: ESL for Educators or CURR 5750: ESL for Educators (Recommended)
  • EDUC 3994: Introduction to Professional Year - Secondary  
  • EDUC 4600: Secondary Classroom Management 
  • EDUC 4720: Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Area 
  • EDUC 4900: School Experience - Secondary  
  • EDUC 4840: Secondary Social Studies Methods
  • EDUC 4740: Differentiating Instruction for Secondary Teachers: Teaching to Meet the Needs of All Learners  
  • EDUC 4790: Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Evaluation  
  • EDUC 4950: Secondary - Student Teaching  
World Language
43 Credit Hours
  • EDUC 2000: Intro to Educational Psychology or CURR 5005: Educational Psychology  
  • EDUC 2700: Schools, Society, and Diversity or CURR 5004: Schools, Society, and Diversity  
  • EDUC 3900: Early School Diversity Practicum  
  • SPED 3001: Introduction to Special Education or SPED 5001: Foundations of Special Education  
  • EDUC 3800: ESL for Educators or CURR 5750: ESL for Educators (Recommended)
  • EDUC 3994: Introduction to Professional Year - Secondary  
  • EDUC 4600: Secondary Classroom Management 
  • EDUC 4720: Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Area 
  • EDUC 4900: School Experience - Secondary  
  • EDUC 4850: Secondary World Languages Methods
  • EDUC 4740: Differentiating Instruction for Secondary Teachers: Teaching to Meet the Needs of All Learners  
  • EDUC 4790: Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Evaluation  
  • EDUC 4950: Secondary - Student Teaching  
33 Credit Hours
  • UTED 1030: Inquiry Approaches and Lesson Plan Design for Secondary Math and Science Teaching  
  • UTED 2010: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science  
  • UTED 3020: Classroom Interactions  
  • UTLS 3030: Perspectives on Science and Math  
  • UTLS 3480: Functions and Modeling  
  • UTED 4710: Project-Based Instruction  
  • UTED 4720: Reading in the Content Area  
  • UTED 4730: Apprentice Teaching UCCS Teach and Seminar  
33 Credit Hours
  • UTED 1030: Inquiry Approaches and Lesson Plan Design for Secondary Math and Science Teaching  
  • UTED 2010: Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science  
  • UTED 3020: Classroom Interactions  
  • UTLS 3030: Perspectives on Science and Math  
  • UTLS 3040: Science Research Methods   
  • UTED 4710: Project-Based Instruction  
  • UTED 4720: Reading in the Content Area  
  • UTED 4730: Apprentice Teaching UCCS Teach and Seminar  

For details on program coursework, please visit the Academic Catalog.


UCCSTeach, a collaboration between the College of Education and the College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, offers a unique STEM and teaching program.

Undergraduates can earn math or science degrees and teaching licenses in just four years, with classroom experience starting in their first semester. Post-baccalaureate students with STEM degrees can also obtain secondary math and science licensure. To learn more about the program, please visit the UCCSTeach website.

Professional Exam Requirements

The Praxis exams measure the academic skills and subject-specific knowledge needed as an educator. Students must pass the state-approved secondary education licensure exams to be recommended for licensure.

In order to receive an initial license, students will need to receive a passing score on one of the following Praxis II exams, according to their content area. 

  • English Language Arts: Content Knowledge #5038
  • Social Studies: Content Knowledge #5081
  • Mathematics: Content Knowledge #5165
  • Science: Content Knowledge #5434
  • Spanish: World Language #5195
  • French: World Language #5174

Admission Details

To learn more about admission requirements and the application process, please visit the UCCS Admissions page.

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