UCCSTeach Secondary Math and Science Licensure Program

UCCSTeach is a collaborative program shared by the College of Education and the College of Letters, Arts and Science. Upon successful completion of the program, UCCSTeach program completers receive a secondary teaching license and are able to  teach middle or high school math or science. 



  1. Offers undergraduate students the opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree in mathematics or science and a secondary teaching license in four years
  2. Places students in a classroom as early as their first semester to see what teaching is really like
  3. Offers hands-on guidance from experienced Master Teachers and faculty
  4. Allows post-baccalaureate students with an undergraduate math, science or STEM related degree to seek teacher licensure for secondary math and science.

About UCCSTeach

what is UCCSTeach

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UCCSTeach allows you to receive a bachelor's degree in your area of concentration, along with the opportunity to obtain your secondary teaching certification. We aim to recruit the very best candidates to teach secondary mathematics and science. To participate in the UCCSTeach certification program, you must be seeking a degree in math or the sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Biochem or physics) or the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Education.

Starting as early as the first semester of your degree, you will be taking field-based education classes. A key component to UCCSTeach is that we prepare secondary mathematics and science pre-service teachers to use inquiry-based methods of teaching. This reform approach to teaching helps increase classroom engagement and has been shown to be a much more effective approach to instruction than the traditional lecture style of delivery. Our courses are taught by experienced master teachers who know firsthand the challenges of teaching math and science in public schools. UCCSTeach courses put students in local elementary, middle and high school settings where they lead inquiry-based lessons. Early and repeated immersion in the exciting and challenging world of teaching helps students see whether the profession is a good fit for them.

Overall, our goal is to prepare the next generation of mathematics and science teachers who will help transform education into a much more engaging and enriched learning environment. The UTeach model was created to address the needs of the U.S. failing to produce and retain sufficient numbers of qualified math and science teachers to keep America internationally competitive. Talented math and science teachers with strong content knowledge are urgently needed to help students reach their potential. The UTeach program aims to recruit and train math and science teachers and transform the way universities prepare teachers by training pre-service teachers in inquiry. UTeach produces teachers who are confident and competent in their subject matter. This pace-setting program was developed at the University of Texas at Austin in 1997 and the model is being replicated nationwide by the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) in conjunction with the UTeach Institute. UCCSTeach is a replication site of the UTeach model.


The UCCSTeach offices are located in Osborne Center A331.
Office number: (719) 255-3446.