Joe Wehrman

Joe Wehrman, PhD

Interim Dean of the College of Education, Professor Counseling and Human Services
Columbine Hall 3023-F
Columbine Hall 3023-F

Biographical Information

Joseph D. Wehrman, Ph.D. serves as a Professor in the Department of Counseling and Human Services at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. For the academic year of 2021-2022, Dr. Wehrman is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at the United States Air Force Academy. Dr. Wehrman served as Interim Dean of the College of Education. Dr. Wehrman is a former faculty member of The Citadel Military College of South Carolina in Charleston, SC, a former coordinator of the counseling and leadership program, a specialized program in partnership with the United States Air Force Academy, and a former coordinator of the Clinical Mental Health track. He earned his doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision from The University of South Dakota and his M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis from St. Cloud State University. He has expertise and a long history of service in the areas of counseling and coaching families and military members.

Dr. Wehrman was appointed as Board Chair for the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Board of Directors. NBCC is a national and international credentialing body for professional counselors with approximately 53,000 credential holders. As a board member, Dr. Wehrman worked to help influence the counseling profession both domestically and abroad. He is a former member of the Association for Play Therapy Clinical Communications Committee and the American Counseling Association Veterans Affairs Committee. Dr. Wehrman was invited to serve as a visiting faculty member at Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México in Lomas de Santa Fe, Mexico on the topics of crisis response and child trauma.

Dr. Wehrman has provided humanitarian aid in the United States and internationally. Following the 2004 Asian Tsunami, he was selected to travel to Sri Lanka to provide psychological first aid to children and train caregivers and local officials regarding the symptoms of child trauma. He assisted victims of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast region through the American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Team.

Dr. Wehrman has also worked in and/or traveled professionally to countries including China, Taiwan, Honduras, Kuwait, Iraq, Bhutan, Portugal, Malawi, South Africa, France, England, Canada, and Mexico. Dr. Wehrman is a former Medical Service Corps Officer in the United States Military and is a combat veteran. He has received several awards including: two South Dakota Board of Regents Technology Awards, South Dakota Counseling Association Outstanding Service Award, UCCS College of Education Outstanding Teaching Award, a UCCS College of Education Technology Award, a UCCS College of Education Outstanding Service Award, DCHS Outstanding Student Mentor Award, the Military & Government Counseling Association Professional of the Year Award and the UCCS Chancellor’s Award for overall excellence in areas such as teaching, research, and service.


Ph.D., Counselor Education & Supervision
The University of South Dakota

M.S., Applied Behavior Analysis 
St. Cloud State University

B.S., Psychology & B.S., Sociology
Montana State University - Billings

Licenses and Certifications

  • National Certified Counselor
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • Approved Clinical Supervisor
  • Mental Health Facilitator (MHF) Master Trainer
  • Hogan Personality Inventory Certified
  • Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) Certified
  • EQi-2.0 and EQ 360 Certified


AOCC 5010 Theories of Motivation and Behavior Change

COUN 5240 Coaching and Consulting Practice

COUN 5300 Lab in Marriage, Couples & Family Counseling

COUN 5440 Advanced Psychopathology & Diagnosis

COUN 5550 Theory & Practice of Crisis Counseling, Trauma, and Disaster Work

AOCC 5750 Mental Health Triage and First Aid


  • Stutey, D. M., Solis, A., Notestine, L., & Wehrman, J. (in press). The impact of pet therapy on military-affiliated students. Society and Animals.
  • Stark, C., Wehrman, J., Stutey, D., Solis, A., Severn, K., Cammell, M., Gloden, H., Enkler, K., Notestine, L., & Palacios, A. (2021). Therapeutic Mentoring for At-promise Youth: A Grounded Theory Study of Mentors’ Adaptation during the COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Human Services: Special Interdisciplinary Issue, 40(2), 116-132.
  • Stark, C., Severn, K., Stutey, D., Wehrman, J., Gwynn, S., Souligny, C., & Bear, A. (2021). Youth Mentor Programming: Cultivating Youth Resiliency and Digital Citizenship in a Virtual World, The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching.
  • Stark, C., Wehrman, J., Severn, K., Cammell, M., & Solis, A. (2020). Campus Connections youth mentoring program: Cultivating connection during the COVID-19 crisis, The Chronicle of Mentoring & Coaching, 1(13), 84-89.
  • Prosek, E. A., & Wehrman, J. D. (2018). Introduction to the competencies for counseling military populations. The Journal of Military & Government Counseling, 6(2) 84-86.


  • Prosek, E. A., Burgin, E. E., Atkins, K. M., Wehrman, J. D., Fenell, D. L, Carter, C., & Green, L. (2018). Competencies for counseling military populations. The Journal of Military & Government Counseling, 6(2) 87-99.
  • Field, J. E., Wehrman, J. D., & Yoo, M. (2017). Helping the weeping, worried and willful: Psychological first aid for primary and secondary students. Journal of Asian Pacific Counseling. 


Appointed Positions

  • Board of Directors Member, National Board for Certified Counselors
  • Pueblo Community College Behavioral Health Advisory Board (2020-present)
  • CU System Privilege & Tenure Committee (2019-present)
  • COE Technology Committee Member, University of Colorado Colorado Springs (2018-2021)
  • Faculty Mentoring Taskforce, University of Colorado Colorado Springs (2020)
  • COE RPT Taskforce, University of Colorado Colorado Springs (2020)
  • COE Academic Leadership Team, University of Colorado Colorado Springs (2012-2021)

Professional Organizations

  • American Counseling Association (ACA)
  • International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (IAMFC)
  • Military and Government Counseling Association (MGCA)
  • Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (ACES)
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Lifetime Member

Grants & Consultation

  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Cybersecurity Seed Grant – (2022). Wehrman, J., Stark, C., & Stutey, D. (Principal Investigators). Campus Connections: Cultivating Social and Emotional Wellness in At-Promise Youth through Digital Citizenship – Expansion Project.
  • University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative – (2021). Stark, C., Stutey, D., Wehrman, J., Severn, K., & Cammell, M. (Principal Investigators). Campus Connections Youth Mentoring Program: “Finding your ethical compass” Curriculum.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Expansion of Practitioner Education Grant – (2020). Stark, C. & Wehrman, J. (Principal Investigators). UCCS Department of Counseling and Human Services Practitioner Education Expansion Program.
  • Wehrman, J. D., & Poch, C. Campus Connections Staff Development Funding, Colorado Health Foundation. (2020-2021).
  • Stutey, D., Wehrman, J. D., & Stark, C., Campus Connections Operations Funding, Colorado Health Foundation. (2019-2021).


Humanitarian Service

  • Hurricane Katrina, Disaster Mental Health Team, Sponsor: American Red Cross
  • Sri Lanka, Tsunami Relief for Child Victims, Sponsor: Association for Play Therapy
  • Iraq & Kuwait, Medical Relief Aid, Sponsor: South Dakota Army National Guard
  • Honduras, Medical Relief Aid, Sponsor: South Dakota Army National Guard
  • Montana, Forest Fire Relief, Sponsor: Montana Army National Guard