Rhonda Williams, EdD
Professor Emerita Counseling and Human ServicesBiographical Information
After spending 25 years as a public educator in teaching and as a school counselor, the next natural progression for Dr. Williams was to become a counselor educator. As a Professor in the Counseling and Human Services Department and the School Counseling Program Coordinator, Dr. Williams is committed to instilling in students, the American School Counselor Association National Model and the ethical standards of school counselors.
Rhonda Williams has had the opportunity to work in many types of schools and districts over many years. It is her pleasure and honor to teach others about the passion she has for the profession of counseling. Her heart lies in the school counseling profession as she has served over the years as President-Elect, President, and Past-President in both Colorado and Kansas School Counselor Associations. She is currently the Executive Director of the Colorado School Counselor Association. At the national level, Dr. Williams has served as ASCA Ethics chair, and Ethics Co-Chair for 7 years. Rhonda has been fortunate enough to receive the Colorado Middle School Counselor of the Year award, and the American School Counselor Association Middle School Counselor of the year and most recently the American School Counselor Association Counselor Educator of the Year. These honors have served to encourage her advocacy for the counseling profession. As an Associate Professor, Rhonda Williams continues her interest and research in school counseling, while also pursuing her interests in experiential education, bullying behavior, adolescent and gender issues, ethics and educational leadership collaboration. Much of her professional research and community service is focused on a program for adolescent girls called Smart-Girl, while she continues to present and consult nationally and internationally on the role of the school counselor. Currently, Dr. Williams is involved in several state and national initiatives. She serves as Executive Director of the Colorado School Counselor Association, Colorado Corp Grant Board Member, Colorado Counselor Preparation Advisory Team member. She has recently been invited to participate to be part of the White House's College Opportunity Agenda and the First Lady's Reach Higher Initiative. She continues her advocacy for the school counseling profession.
Areas of Interest
Bully Proofing
Ethical and Legal Issues of School Counseling
Educational Collaboration
Adventure Education
School Counseling
Ed.D. Counseling Education
Kansas State University - 2003
M.A., Counseling and Guidance
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs - 1986
B.A., Physical Education
Kansas State University - 1975
Roles and Functions of a School Counselor
Organization and Administration of School Counseling
School Counseling Practicum and Internship Supervision
Social and Cultural Issues for Counseling
Group Counseling Techniques
Adventure Education
- Colorado School Counselor Licensed
1986 - present - Kansas School Counselor Certified
1997 - 2001 - National Certified Counselor
1991 - present - Licensed Professional Counselor-Colorado
- Licensed Professional Counselor-Kansas
- Professional Mediator-Kansas
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Morgan, L. & Williams, R. L. (July, 2014). The Colorado High School College and Career Readiness Standards. Colorado Department of Education.
- Williams, R. L., & Morgan, L., (Oct, 2013). The Colorado Middle School College and Career Readiness Standards. Colorado Department of Education.
- Martinez, S. L. M., Wehrman, J.D., & Williams, R. (2012). Exploring field internship experiences to assist educators in successfully transitioning school counseling and principal students from training to professional practice. Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships.
- Williams, R. L. & Wehrman, J.D. (July, 2010). Collaboration & confidentiality: Not a paradox but an understanding between principals and school counselors;NASSP Bulletin. 94(2). 107-119.
- Williams, R.L., (2009). Developmental issues as a component of intersectionality: Defining the Smart-Girl program. Journal of Race, Gender, Class 16(1-2). 82-101.
- Williams, R. L. & Albanesi, H.P. (Eds). (2009). Socializing our youth & other race, gender and class issues [Special Issue]. Journal of Race, Gender, Class 16(1-2).
Non-Peer Reviewed Articles: ASCA Magazine
- Williams, R. L. (Jan/Feb 2012). Bridging the gap, ASCA School Counselor, 50(3), 6-8.
- Williams, R. L. (Sept/Oct, 2011). Ethical Considerations to threat assessment, ASCA School Counselor, 49(1), 9-10.
- Williams, R. L. (May/Jun, 2011). The duty to address personal bias. ASCA School Counselor, 48(5), 6-8.
- Williams, R. L. (Jan/Feb, 2011). The importance of self-care. ASCA School Counselor, 48(3), 6-8.
- Williams, R. L. (July/Aug, 2010). HIPPA or FERPA or Not. ASCA School Counselor, 47(6), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. (Jan/Feb, 2010). Delving into eating disorders. ASCA School Counselor, 47(3), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. (July/August, 2009). Confidentiality vs. protection. ASCA School Counselor, 46(6), 10-11.
- Williams, R. L. (May/June, 2009). Parent permission: A pain or an invitation. ASCA School Counselor, 46(5), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. (Mar/Apr., 2009). Victimizing the victim. ASCA School Counselor, 46(4), 9-10.
- Williams, R. L. (Jan/Feb., 2009). Child abuse reporting: Advocacy vs. Interface. ASCA School Counselor, 46(3), 8-9.
Refereed Publications
- Martinez, S., Wehrman, J., & Williams, R. L. (2009) Collaboration preparation for pre-service administrators and school counselors. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13(2) 55-60.
- Williams, R. L. (2009). Developmental issues as a component of intersectionality: Defining the Smart-Girl program. Journal of Race, Gender, Class 16(1-2). 82-101.
- Williams, R. L. & Albanesi, H. P. (Eds). (2009). Socializing our youth & other race, gender and class issues [Special issue]. Journal of Race, Gender, Class 16(1-2).
- Williams, R. L. , & Ferber, A. L. (2008). Facilitating Smart-Girl: Feminist pedagogy in service learning in action. Feminist Teacher 19(1), 47-67.
Non-Refereed Publications
- Williams, R. L. , (July/August, 2009). Confidentiality vs. protection. ASCA School Counselor, 46(6), 10-11.
- Williams, R. L. , (May/June, 2009). Parent permission: A pain or an invitation. ASCA School Counselor, 46(5), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. , (Mar/Apr., 2009). Victimizing the victim. ASCA School Counselor, 46(4), 9-10.
- Williams, R. L. , (Jan/Feb., 2009). Child abuse reporting: Advocacy vs. Interference. ASCA School Counselor, 46(3), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. , (Sept/Oct., 2008). Check your opinions at the door. ASCA School Counselor, as ASCA School Counselor, 46(1), 10-11.
- Williams, R. L. , (July/Aug, 2008). Dealing with confidentiality and suicidal ideation. ASCA School Counselor, 45(6), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. , (May/June, 2008). Ethical ramifications of policy making, ASCA School Counselor,45(5), 12-13.
- Williams, R. L. , (Mar/Ap., 2008). Exploring confidentiality and dual relationships. ASCA School Counselor, 45(4), 10-11.
- Williams, R. L. , (Jan/Feb., 2008). Case notes and guardian rights. ASCA School Counselor, 46(4), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. , (Nov/Dec., 2007). Addressing reporting requirements and gifts. ASCA School Counselor,45(2) 8-10.
- Williams, R. L. , (Sept/Oct., 2007). To tell or not to tell: The question of informed consent. ASCA School Counselor,45(1),10-11.
- Williams, R. L. , (Jul/Aug., 2007). Does evolution exist? ASCA School Counselor,44(6), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. , (May/June, 2007). The ethics of substance-abuse issues. ASCA School Counselor,44(5), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. , (Mar, 2007). Superhero or super stressed. ASCA School Counselor,44(4), 10-11.
- Williams, R. L. , (Jan/Feb., 2007). Raising red flags in data collection. ASCA School Counselor, 44(3), 8-9.
- Williams, R. L. , (Nov/Dec., 2006). Flunking is a life time sentence. ASCA School Counselor, 44(2),10-11.
- Williams, R. , L., (Fall, 2006). Are you a culturally responsive school counselor? Colorado School Counselor Association Newsletter.
- Williams, R. L. , (2005, Fall). Data is our friend, CSCA Connection. 8.
- Williams, R. L. , (2005, Spring). Using the national model, CSCA Connection, 6.
Books and Book Chapters
- Kolbert, J., Williams, R. L., Morgan, L., Crothers, L. Hughes, A. (2016). Introduction to professional school counseling: Advocacy, leadership, and intervention. New York: Routledge.
- Wehrman.J.D., Williams, R.L., Field, J., Schroeder, S.D. (2010). Accountability through documentations: What are best practices for school counselors? In M.A. Hermann, T.P. Remley, Jr., & W.C. Huey, Ethical and legal issues in school counseling (3rd ed., pp. 141-153). Alexandria, VA: American School Counselor Association.
- Fenell, R.A., Fenell, D., Williams, R. L. , (2009) The School Counselor's Role Supporting Children of Deployed Military Families. (Rev. Ed.) Webber, J., Bass, D. D., Yep, R., (3rd Ed.) Terrorism, Trauma, and Tragedies: A counselor's guide to preparing and responding, American Counselor Association, Alexandria, VA.
- Williams, R. L. , Lantz, A. E., Ferber, A. L., Noorulamin, S. (2008). Making smart choices: Social and emotional skills for adolescent girls. Alexandria: American School Counselor Association.
- Williams, R. L. , Lantz, A. E., Ferber, A. L., Noorulamin, S. (2008). Making smart choices: Social and emotional skills for adolescent girls. Alexandria: American School Counselor Association.
- Lantz, A. E., & Williams, R. L. , (2008). A handbook for leading positive youth development programs: Smart-Girl. Denver: Smart-Girl Inc.
- Lantz, A. E., & Williams, R. L. , Riedo, S., Noorulamin, S. (2008). Smart-Girl Session Plans. Denver: Smart-Girl Inc.
Other Professional Publications
- Williams, R. L. , (Jan, 2009). Child Abuse Reporting: Advocacy vs. Interference. ASCA School Counselor as per requirement for position as ASCA Ethics Chair.
- Williams, R. L. , (Sept, 2008). Check your values at the door. ASCA School Counselor, as per requirement for position as national Ethics Chair.
- Williams, R. L. , (July, 2008). Working through the ethical code. ASCA School Counselor, as per requirement for position as national Ethics Chair.
- Williams, R. L. , (May, 2008). Ethical ramifications of policy making, ASCA School Counselor, as per requirement for position as national Ethics Chair.
- Williams, R. L. , (Mar, 2008). Exploring confidentiality and dual relationships. ASCA School Counselor, as per requirement for position as national Ethics Chair.
- Williams, R. L. , (Jan, 2008). Case notes and guardian rights. ASCA School Counselor, as per requirement for position as national Ethics Chair.
ASCA Professional Magazine Articles
- Williams, R. (2007, Sept/Oct.). To tell or not to tell: The question of informed consent. American School Counselor, 45/1, 10-11.
>> Read article
http://www.schoolcounselor.org/article.asp?article=955&paper=91&cat=140 - Williams, R. (2007, July/Aug,). Does evolution exist? American School Counselor, 44/6, 8-9. A history of where the American School Counselor Association has been and where we are today regarding ethical issues.
>> Read article
http://www.schoolcounselor.org/article.asp?article=943&paper=91&cat=140 - Williams, R. (2007 May/June).The ethics of substance-abuse issues: American School Counselor, 44/5, 8-9.
Navigating the difficult issues of substance abuse, when to disclose danger to parents and when to keep the confidentiality between the student and the school counselor.
>> Read article
http://www.schoolcounselor.org/article.asp?article=927&paper=91&cat=140 - Williams, R. (2007, Mar/April). Superhero or super stressed: American School Counselor, 44/4, 10-11.
Self care for the school counselor who tries to be all things to all people, including some of the ethical pitfalls that can occur when we are stressed out and overworked.
>> Read article
http://www.schoolcounselor.org/printarticle.asp?article=91&cat=140. - Williams, R (2007, Jan/Feb.). Raising red flags in data collection: American School Counselor 44/3, 10-11.
Ethical issues regarding collecting data, confidentiality of the data and how it will be used.
>> Read article
http: www.schoolcounselor.org/printarticle.asp?article=905 - Williams, R. (2006, Nov/Dec). To flunk is a lifetime sentence: American School Counselor 44/2, 10-11.
>> Read article
http://www.schoolcounselor.org/printarticle.asp?article=894 - Williams, R. The power of many. American School Counselor 41/6, 42-48.
Information about retaining students in the same grade and the ethics of supporting failing students.
State and Regional Presentations
- Williams, R. L. & Wehrman, J.D. (2012, Oct). Mitigating Rural Mental Health Deficit with University Collaboration, Presentation at the bi-annual Rocky Mountain American Counselor Educator and Supervision Conference, Park City, Utah.
- Williams, R. L. (2012). The ties that bind: The relationship between the ASCA National Model & ethical standards. Presentation at the annual Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Vail, Co.
- Williams, R. L., DeBard, S., Jacobs, A., McClain, M.(2012). 1,2,3 Group: Developing positive group process in schools. Presentation at annual Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Vail, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , Jacobs, A., Dowden, C., Wagner, Z. Winn, A., (2011, Jan). Adventure Education. Children of Colorado and Culturally Responsive Teaching. Leadership and Counseling.
- Williams, R. L. & Field, J. (2010). Principal-School counselor relationship. Presentation at the annual Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Vail, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , DeBard, S., Jacobs, A., (2010). Reflections of the past, research of the present to focus on the future of boys and girls. Presentation at the annual Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Vail, CO.
- Williams, R. L. Jacobs, A., & Canty-Woessner, C., (2010). Classroom Guidance that Rocks. Presented at the Colorado School Counselor Association Professional development regional workshops, Colorado Springs & Grand Junction, CO.
- Williams, R. L. & Kirby, D. (2010). Principal and school counselor relationship. Presented at the annual Colorado pre-colligate conference. Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. & Dukes, C. (2009, Mar). About collaboration: What makes school counseling programs work. Presenter at Colorado Pre-Colligate Conference, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , Thompson, T., & Dodson, T. (2008, Dec). Implementation of the ASCA National Model and Standards. Colorado Core Counselor Grant Program. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , Jacobs, A., & Zock, D. (2008, Dec). Education Barriers that Widen the Achievement Gap. Colorado Council on High School and College Relations Annual Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. & Noorulamin, S., Jacobs A., Moeder-Chandler, M. (2008, Nov). Social Emotional Intelligence for Adolescent Girls: Developing a Smart-Girl program. Presentation at the annual Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , Williams, R. L. Gearhart, J. A., Dodson, T., Thompson, T., Canti, C. (2008, Jan, Mar). Impact of school counseling programs. Presentation at Colorado Legislation Joint Education Committee, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , (2007, Mar). Why is there an achievement gap? Presenter at Pre-Colligate State Conference, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. (2007, Mar.). How School Counselors Can Impact the Achievement Gap. Presenter at Pre-Colligate State Conference, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , Gearhart, J. A., Crow, D., Dodson, T. (2008, Jan, Feb, Mar). Developing a standards based school counseling program. Presenter at Colorado School Counselor Association Regional Workshops. Greeley, Colorado Springs, Delta, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , (2007, Nov). How to become a Smart-Girl. Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association, Breckenridge, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , (2007, Mar). Why is there an achievement gap? Presenter at Pre-Colligate State Conference, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Anthans G. (2006, Aug). Leadership and collaboration. Presenters, Colorado Association of School Executives, Breckenridge, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , (2006, April) Culturally Responsive School Counseling. Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. , (2004, April) Smart Girl program, Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. , (2003, April). Career counseling programs, Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association, Broomfield, CO.
- Williams, R, (2003, April). Adventure education in counseling, Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. , Kelsch, D. (2002, April) Creating Community, Presenters Colorado School Counselor Association, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. , (2002, April) School to career: How school counselors can create a K-12 school to career guidance program. Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. , (2000, March) Making community connections. Presenter on community involvement and school counselors, Kansas Counselor Association Conference, Great Bend, KS.
- Williams, R. , (1999, March) Dream to team: Team building activities. Presenter, Kansas Counselor Association Conference, Wichita, KS.
- Williams, R. , (1999, March) Educate to advocate. Presenter at Kansas Counselor Association Conference, Wichita, KS.
- Williams, R. , (1998, March). Sexual Harassment: What you need to know. Presenter, at Kansas Counselor Association Conference, Emporia, KS.
- Williams, R. , (1995, March). Sexual Harassment: What you need to know. Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association, Durango, CO.
- Williams, R. , (1995, March). Sexual Harassment: What you need to know. Presenter, Colorado School Counselor Association, Glenwood Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. , & Johnson, S. (1993 April). Peer counseling programs. Presenters, Colorado School Counselor Association, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. & Johnson, S. (1990, April). The value of peer counseling programs. Presenters, Colorado School Counselor Association, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. , & Johnson, S. (1990, October) Why do we have to compete to make a winning team? Presenter, Colorado Association for Counseling and Development, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. , & Johnson, S. (1989, June). Why do you need peer counselors? Presenters, Colorado Association of Middle Level Educators Conference. Breckenridge, CO.
- Williams, R. , & Killin, T., (1988, April). How to develop advisement programs. Presenter at the Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. & Newton, K. (2009, Aug.). Principal/School counselor collaboration. St. Vrain School District Principal and School Counselor Symposium.
- Williams, R. L. (2008, Nov). Bullying proofing your daughter. Cheyenne Mtn School District Parents Workshop.
- Williams, R. L. , (2008, Sept). Culturally responsive teaching and counseling, MYLI Regional Conference, El Pomar, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , (2008, Aug). Culturally responsive teaching and counseling. Galileo School & UCCS Partnership, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. (2008, Aug). Ethics of school counseling, Boulder Valley School District School Counselors Workshop.
- Williams, R. L. . (2008, Aug). Closing the achievement gap. Boulder Valley School District School Counselor Workshop.
- Williams, R. L. (2008, Jan). How to be a Smart-Girl. Fort Collins Counseling Conference.
- Williams, R. L. (2007, Jan). Culturally counseling view of the achievement gap through different lenses. Presenter at Culturally Responsive Teaching, Leadership & Counseling Symposium, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. , Coast, S. Dashel, L. (1996). Challenger Middle School School-To-Career Curriculum. Presenters, Air Academy District Conference, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. (2013, Feb). Ethical Issues in School Counseling. New Mexico School Counseling Professional Development Training, Albuquerque, NM.
- Williams, R. L. (2008, April). Bully proofing your daughter from the inside out. The Laboratory of Art and Ideas, Feminism & Co. Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. (2007, Sept). Bully proofing your daughter from the inside out. Annual State Smart-Girl Luncheon. Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. (2007, Mar). The stress mess. Keynote. Regional Bank Conference, Kansas.
- Williams, R. L. (2001, April). Dealing with difficult people, Administration and staff of Goodland Regional Medical Center, Goodland, KS.
- Williams, R. L. (2001, November). Role of Elementary School Counselor. Administration and Counselors meeting, Harrison School District, Colorado, Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. (1993, April). Advisement programs for middle schools. Las Vegas Public School District, Las Vegas, Nv.
Presentations Workshops and Trainings
Williams, R.L. & Huner, S. (2016).Discovering the value of small group counseling. International School Counselor Association, Lisbon, Portugal.
Williams, R.L. & Huner, S. (2016). Creating inspiring classroom guidance lessons. International School Counselor Association, Lisbon, Portugal.
Williams, R. L. (2011, Nov). Body Image, Semester at Sea. Hong Kong, China
- Williams, R. L. , & Field J.E.. (2011, April 18-20). ASCA School Counselor Training, Saipan, Mariana Islands.
- Williams, R. L. , & MacIver, D., (2007, Sept 30-Oct 7). Experiential Education Training, Daegu, Korea
- Williams, R. L. , (2005, March 12-16). ASCA National Model Workshop. Guam School District School Counselor Workshops.
National and State
- Williams, R. L., Notestine, C., Decker, P. (2016). Recipe for changing a school culture through the implementation of noncognitive factors. Presentation at the annual American School Counselor Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Ruthven, M., Williams, R.L., Haviland, S., Jones, L., & Tucker, A. (Nov, 2015). Colorado Reach Higher Initiative. Presentation at the Annual Convening for First Lady's National Initiative for Reach Higher.
- Williams, R. L., Funez, M., Riggs, E., Stucker, A., (2014). Imagine Culturally Aware School Counselors, Presentation at Colorado School Counselor Association, Longmont, CO.
- Williams, R. L. (2015). Ethical decision making as a super power for professionals. Presentation at Colorado School Counselor Association, Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams R. L. & McClain, M. (2014) The Magic of Group Counseling. Presentation at the annual American School Counselor Association Conference, Orlando FL. Williams, R. L. & McClain, M. (2013). Social/Emotional intelligence for adolescent groups. Presentation at the annual American School Counselor Association Conference, Philadelphia,PA.
- Williams, R. L. & Haviland, S. (2014). What your school counselor does to impact academic success. Presented at Colorado Association of School Executives Annual Conference. Breckenridge, CO.
- Williams, R. L. DeBard, S., & McClain, M. (2013). Social/Emotional intelligence for adolescent groups. Presentation at the annual Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Longmont, CO. Williams, R. L., (2013). Using an ethical lens as a school counselor to make your mark. Presentation at the annual Colorado School Counselor Association Conference, Longmont, CO.
- Williams, R.L., Engle, E., Natenburg, R. (Nov, 2013). Mitigating Rural Mental Health Deficit with University Collaboration, Presentation at American Counselor Educator and Supervision Conference, Denver, CO.
- Dahir, C., & Williams, R. L. (2013). Principal / school counselor relationship. Presentation at the annual American Educational Research Association Conference. San Francisco, CA.
- Williams, R. L. ,(2013, March). Let's talk school counselor ethics. Albuquerque School District, Albuquerque, NM.
- Field, J. & Williams, R.L. (2013, Feb). Natrona School District School Counselor's Professional Development Training. Casper, Wyoming.
- Williams, R.L., & DeBard, S., Jacobs, A.S., (2012, Jan, Aug, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Denver & Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. ,(2012). The ties that bind: The relationship between the ASCA national model & ethical standards. Presentation at the annual American School Counselor Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
- Williams, R.L., & DeBard, S., Jacobs, A.S., (2011, Jan, Aug, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Denver & Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R.L., & DeBard, S., Jacobs, A.S., (2011, April). Smart-Girl leadership training. Newark, NJ.
- Martinez, S., Wehrman, J., Williams, R. L.,(2011). Opportunities for Counselor and Leadership Educators: Pre-Service School Counselors' and Administrators' Perceptions of Professional Collaboration. Presentation at the annual American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Field, J.E., Wehrman, J., Williams, R.L., Fenell, D. (2011). Developmental approach to counseling skills. Presentation at American Counselor Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Fenell, D., Wehrman, J., Field, J.E. Williams, R.L.(2011). Counseling military families. Presentation at American Counselor Association Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Williams, R. L. (2010). Lets talk ethics. Presentation at the annual American School Counselor Association Conference, Boston, MA.
- Williams, R.L., & DeBard, S., Jacobs, A.S., Field, J.E., (2010, Jan, Aug, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Denver & Colorado Springs, CO.
- Wehrman, J.D., Williams, R. L. , & Martinez, S.L.M. (2010). Opportunities for Counselor and Leadership Educators: Pre-service School Counselors' and Administrators' Perceptions of Professional Collaboration. Presentation at the annual American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.
- Wehrman, J., Mims, G.A., Halbur, D., & Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2009). Translating group process and dynamics into children's language. Bi-annual conference Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors, San Diego, CA.
- Williams, R. L. (2009, Jan). Confidentiality Dilemma: Ethical issues in school counseling. Presentation at the annual American School Counselor Association Conference, Dallas, TX.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2007, Jan). Smart-Girl leadership training. Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2007, Jan). Smart-Girl leadership training. Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2007, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2006, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2006, Jan). Smart-Girl leadership training. Colorado Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , (2006, Feb). ASCA National Model Workshop. Poudre Valley School District School Counselor Workshop.
- Williams, R. L. , (2006, Feb). ASCA National Model Workshop. St. Vrain School District School Counselor Workshop.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2005, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Crow, D. (2005, Nov). ASCA National Model Workshop. St. Vrain School District.
- Williams, R. L. , (2005, Nov). ASCA National Model. Harrison School District School Counselor Workshop.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2005, Jan). Smart-Girl leadership training. Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2004, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2004, Jan). Smart-Girl leadership training. Denver, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2003, Sept). Smart-Girl leadership training. Colorado Springs, CO.
- Williams, R. L. , & Noorulamin, S. (2003, Jan). Smart-Girl leadership training. Colorado Springs, CO.
Other Workshop Trainings
- Trainer, Peer Counseling Training, (2003, June, Aug, Dec). UCCS Trauma Center for CSFD, UCCS Campus Police Department.
- Trainer, Peer Counselor Training, (2001, July). Lyons High School, Lyons, KS.
- Trainer, Peer Counselor Training, (2001, June). Salina South High School, Salina, KS.
- Trainer, Peer Counselor Training, (2001, August). Dodge City High School, Dodge City, KS.
- Trainer, Peer Counselor Training, (2000, May). Dodge City High School, Dodge City, KS.
- Trainer, Peer Counselor Training, (2000, October). Great Bend High School, Great Bend, KS.
- Colorado School Counselor Association
American School Counselor Association
International School Counselor Association
International Shipboard Education: Semester at Sea Faculty and Staff Council
- Counselor Educator of the Year - American School Counselor Association 2012
- Post-Secondary Counselor Educator of the Year - Colorado School Counselor Association 2008
- UCCS Community Service Award - University of Colorado Colorado Springs 2007
- Barry Weinhold Counseling and Human Services Alumni Award. Recognition for outstanding contributions to the field of counseling 2003
- Walmart Educator of the Year - Sherman County, KS 1999
- Lance Huffman Award for dedication to the profession of school counseling - Colorado School Counselor Association. 1992
- National Middle School Counselor of the Year - American School Counselor Association 1991
- Colorado Middle School Counselor of the Year - Colorado School Counselor Association 1990
- Falcon School District Award of Excellence in Education 1990
- Colorado Business Alliance Educator of the Year 1989
- UCCS Diversity Committee Member
2007 - present - UCCS Sexual Harassment Committee Member
2007 - present - UCCS Associate Dean Search Committee Member
2006 - Curriculum Design Team Member. Curriculum design for Freedom's Song, National Curriculum for African American History
2005 - UCCS University Activities Director Search Committee Member
2005 - UCCS Assistant Director of Recruitment Committee Member
2005 - UCCS International Students Mentorship Program. Member
2001 - 2004 - UCCS Trauma Center Peer Program Committee Member, Trainer
2002 - present - UCCS, COE Diversity Committee Member
2001 - 2005
- Volunteer, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
- Diversity
- Diversity Foundation
- Sexual Harassment
- Women & Ethnic
- Smart-Girl Regional Program Director
- Trauma Center Bd
State / National
- UCCS coordinator for White House's and the First Lady's Reach Higher Initiative in Colorado Springs, June, 2016
- White House's College Opportunity Agenda and the First Lady's Reach Higher Initiative committee member. 2014-present
- Colorado School Counselor Association
- Executive Director
2008 - present - Post Secondary Vice President
2004 - 2008 - Advocacy Chair
1993 - 1995 - President
1991 - 1992 - President Elect
1990 - 1991 - Past President
1992 - 1993
- Executive Director
- Middle Level Vice President. Established State Middle School Counselor Conference
1988 - 1991 - Peer Counseling Chair. Established State Peer Counseling Conference, High School and Middle School Conferences
1986 - 1989 - Colorado School Counselor Corps Grant Advisory committee member
2008 - 2015 - Semester at Sea; Faculty and Staff Council Member
- Governor's Core Counselor Grant. Grant reviewer
2008 - P-20 Governor's Council subcommittee for advisory on post-secondary transitions committee
2008 - present - Advisory Board Member for School Counselors, Harrison School District.
2005 - present - Academy School District External Review Team Member. Evaluated Discovery Canyon Elementary School.
2005 - Smart-Girl Board Member. Advocacy program for adolescent youth.
2002 - 2008 - Smart-Girl Program Committee
2002 - 2008 - Trainer. Smart-Girl Program, mentorship program for middle school girls
- 2002 - present
- Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer. Assists children and families involved in the court system.
2001 - 2003 - Kansas Workforce Investment Partnership Board Member. Appointed by Governor.
2000 - 2001 - Kansas Governor's Task Force on Workforce Initiatives. Appointed by Governor 100 selected from entire state for task force initiatives.
1999 - 2000 - Creator and Director. Topside of Kansas 24 Hour Relay Challenge. Developed and initiated this program for community prevention.
1999 - 2000 - Northwest Kansas CASA Board member
2000 - 2001 - PEO (philanthropic organization) for women.
- Northwest Kansas CASA volunteer Secretary
1998 - 2000 - Vice Chair of Sherman County Community Prevention Programs
1999 - 2000
Board Member of Community Unity Sherman County
1998 - 2001 - Kansas School Counselor Association
- President
2000 - 2001 - President Elect
1999 - 2000
- President
- Kansas Counselor Association
- Human Rights Chair
1999 - 2000
- Human Rights Chair
- Kansas Association of Peer Programs
- Vice President
1998 - 2001 - Co directed State Peer Counseling Conferences
1998 - 2001 - Co-directed Peer Counseling Trainer of Trainers Programs
1998 - 2001 - Colorado Career Development Board
- Vice President
- Colorado Association of Middle Level Educators
- Colorado School Counselor Association
American School Counselor Association
- Ethics Chair
2006 - 2013 - Professional Interest Network chair
2004 - 2006 - Ethics Committee Member
2002 - 2003 - Co-authored ASCA Ethical Guidelines
2010 - Co-Directed National Governmental Relations Workshop, Washington D.C.
1995, 1996 - Wrote National Advocacy program and developed video
1994 - 1996 - Professional Recognition Chair
1993 - 1994 - Chaired National Awards Presentation & directed luncheon. PIN for Advisement Programs
1991-1992 - Delegate Assembly Delegate for Kansas
2000- 2001 - Delegate Assembly Delegate for Colorado
1990, 91, 2009,10, 11,12,13,14,15,16
- Ethics Chair