Ji Hyun Oh, PhD
Associate Professor Teaching and LearningBiographical Information
Ji Hyun Oh is an assistant professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning. Dr. Oh received her Ph.D. in Special Education, with a focus on early childhood, from the University of Florida. She is a former kindergarten teacher in South Korea. She also worked as a pre-K lead teacher in the United States. Her research interests include 1) children’s learning through play focusing on nature-based outdoor play and outdoor learning environments, 2) inclusive play-based child-centered curriculum and intervention, and 3) teachers’ beliefs and practices using qualitative research methodologies. Dr. Oh has published various articles in the journals such as the Journal of Early Childhood Research, Early Childhood Education Journal, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Childhood Education, and International Play Association USA e-Journal. She teaches undergraduate-level courses in the Inclusive Early Childhood Education BA and BI Programs and graduate-level courses in the Special Education MA Program. Dr. Oh is a board member of The American Association for Promoting the Child’s Right to Play, the USA Affiliate of the International Play Association (IPA USA).
Ph.D., Special Education (Concentration: Early Childhood Studies), University of Florida, 2016
- CU Diversity & Inclusive Excellence Grant, 2021
- UCCS College of Education Outstanding Teacher Award, 2021