Image of Dr. Pat McGuire

Pat McGuire, PhD

Professor Teaching and Learning
University Hall B-240
University Hall B-240

Biographical Information

Dr. Pat McGuire is a professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning focusing on STEM education. His research interests lie in the intersection of curriculum, instructional technology and STEM education. Before joining the UCCS faculty in 2010, Pat worked as a high school mathematics teacher in Pittsburgh, PA and as a researcher at Carnegie Mellon University.


  • Ph.D., Education; Concentration = Instructional Technology; University of Virginia
  • M.S., Education; Major = Instructional Technology; Duquesne University
  • B.S., Secondary Education; Duquesne University
  • B.A., Mathematics; Duquesne University


  • CURR 4170/5170 - Intro to Technology in Education
  • CURR 5171 - K-12 Web-Based Educational Resources
  • CURR 5172 - Multimedia Development for K-12 Educators
  • CURR 5304 - Mathematics and Cognition
  • GPS 1010 - Off and Running
  • IECE 4000 - Mathematics & Numeracy in Early Childhood
  • TED 3010 - Early Diverse School Experience
  • UTED 3020 - Classroom Interactions

Professional Experience

  • Department Chair, Department of Teaching and Learning, UCCS, 2022-2024
  • Faculty Fellow for Faculty Development, Academic Affairs, UCCS, 2022-2023
  • Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, UCCS, 2020-present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, UCCS, 2016-2020
  • Co-director, UCCSTeach, UCCS, 2012-2022
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, UCCS, 2010-2016
  • Research Assistant, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2008-2010
  • Graduate Research Assistant, University of Virginia, 2007-2008
  • Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University, 2006-2008
  • Math Teacher, Bethel Park Senior High School, 2005-2007


McGuire, P., Tu. S., Logue, M., Mason, C.A., & Ostrow, K. (in press, 2017). Counterintuitive effects of online feedback in middle school math: Results from a randomized controlled trial in ASSISTments. Educational Media International.

Kinzie, M.B., Whittaker, J.V., McGuire, P., Lee, Y., & Kilday, C.R. (2016). Research on curricular development for pre-kindergarten mathematics & science. Teachers College Record, 117(7), 1-40.

McGuire, P., Kinzie, M.B., Thunder, K., & Berry, R.Q. III. (2016). Methods of analysis and overall mathematics teaching quality in at-risk pre-kindergarten classrooms. Early Education and Development, 27(1), 89-109.

Cheesman, E., Winters, D.C., & McGuire, P. (2016). Technology recommendations (pp. 392-409). In L. Jaffe & N. Mather (Eds.). Woodcock-Johnson IV: Recommendations and strategies. Hanover, PA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

McGuire, P., Gagnon, R., & Lanotte, A. (2015). Teacher preparation goes to CLASS. The Field Experience Journal, 16, 41-69.

Alismail, H.A., & McGuire, P. (2015). 21st century standards and curriculum: Current research and practice. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(6), 150-154.

Kinzie, M.B., Whittaker, J.V., Williford, A., DeCoster, J., McGuire, P., Lee, Y., & Kilday, C.R. (2014). MyTeachingPartner Math/Science pre-kindergarten curricula and teacher supports: Associations with children's math and science learning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(4), 586-599.

McGuire, P. (2013). Using error analysis items to support pre-service teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 13(3), 207-218.

McGuire, P., & Kinzie, M.B. (2013). Analysis of place value instruction and development in pre-kindergarten mathematics. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41(5), 355-364.

McGuire, P., Kinzie, M.B., & Berch, D.B. (2012). Developing number sense in pre-k with five-frames. Early Childhood Education Journal, 40(4), 213-222.

Wang, F., Kinzie, M.B, McGuire, P., & Pan, E. (2009). Applying technology to problem-based inquiry learning in early childhood education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37, 381-389.

Conference Presentations

McGuire, P., Barrett, M., Elsey, S. & Ruhala, S. (October, 2017, accepted). Getting freshmen “Off and Running” to success in college. Presentation at the Health, Wellness and Society Conference. University of Denver. Denver, CO.

Anderson-Pence, K.L., & McGuire, P. (September, 2017, accepted). Multiplication mini-lessons: Using number strings to build students’ understanding. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. University of Denver. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P., & Anderson-Pence, K.L. (September, 2017, accepted). Getting started with Google Drive: A roadmap for math educators. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. University of Denver. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P. & Kupferman, S. (August, 2017). A Crowdsourced “Appy” Hour: Applications for University Faculty. Presentation at the Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology (COLTT) Conference. University of Colorado Boulder. Boulder, CO.

McGuire, P., & Block, R. (July, 2017). Augmenting pre-service STEM teacher preparation with professional learning communities. Poster presentation at the National Science Foundation Noyce Summit. Washington, D.C.

McGuire, P., & Ottmer, S. (May, 2017). Introducing a tiered mentor system for UTeach field-based courses. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

Weiss, D.J., Sandoval, R., Brasuel, M., & McGuire, P. (April, 2017). Clickers and cooperative learning as a combination to improve student learning in General chemistry as well as analytical chemistry. Paper presented at the National American Chemical Society. San Francisco, CA.

McGuire, P., Lanotte, A., & Turner, C. (September, 2016). 538 ways to engage high school students in real world math. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P., Logue, M.E., Mason, C.A., Tu, S., Heffernan, C., Heffernan, N.T., Ostrow, K., & Li, Y. (2016, June). To see or not to see: Putting image-based feedback in question. Interactive lecture/research paper presented at the International Society for Technology in Education. Denver, CO.

Anderson-Pence, K.L., & McGuire, P. (2016, June). The impact of different virtual manipulative types on classroom mathematical discourse. Interactive lecture/research paper presented at the International Society for Technology in Education. Denver, CO

McGuire, P., Gagnon, R. & Anderson-Pence, K.L. (2015, March). Introducing Pre-service STEM Teachers to the Classroom Assessment Scoring System-Secondary (CLASS-S) Using Video-based Assignments. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 2437-2442). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

McGuire, P., & Turner, C. (2014, September). Inquiry-based mathematics instruction in a standards-based world. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P., & White, J. (2014, September). Integrating video analysis and discussions into professional learning communities. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P., & Lanotte, A. (2014, May). “Appy” hour: Applications for UTeach courses, students, and faculty. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

McGuire, P., Lanotte, A., & Westad, H. (2014, May). Embedding lesson design challenges into classroom interactions: Lessons learned. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

Berlin, R., & McGuire, P. (2014, March). The CLASS system and teacher education: Why it matters, how it works. Presentation at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P. (2013, November). Common Core before four: Mathematics standards and development before kindergarten. Presentation at the School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX.

McGuire, P. (2013, October). Improving teaching practice through mathematics video clubs. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Las Vegas, NV.

McGuire, P. (2013, September). A practical guide to developing and assessing elementary students’ mathematical fluency. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P., DaLee, J. & Gagnon, R. (2013, May). How can UTeach online? Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

McGuire, P., DaLee, J., & Gagnon, R. (2013, May). Should UTeach elementary? We think so! Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

McGuire, P. (2012, August). Teaching teachers with and Presentation at the Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology Conference. University of Colorado. Boulder, CO.

McGuire, P., & Kelly, C.A. (2012, May). Making a good lesson great: A brain-based lesson planning checklist. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

McGuire, P. (2012, May). Staying current using RSS feeds: Automated web browsing for math, science, and technology educators. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX. 

Kelly, C.A., McGuire, P., & Cutter, E. (2012, May). Master teacher training: A comprehensive program and university induction approach. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX. 

Kelly, C.A., McGuire, P., Peszek, P. & DaLee, J. (2012, May). Developing and implementing a large-scale replication at a small-scale university. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

Kelly, C.A., & McGuire, P. (2011, November). Developing number sense in pre-k with five-frames and ten-frames. Presentation at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference. Albuquerque, NM.

McGuire, P. (2011, November). Supporting secondary math and science instruction with intelligent tutoring software. Presentation at the School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Convention. Colorado Springs, CO.

Kelly, C.A., & McGuire, P. (2011, November). The primacy-recency effect: How the brains learns mathematics. Presentation at the School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Convention. Colorado Springs, CO.

McGuire, P., & Weathers, J. (2011, November). Supporting cognitively guided formative assessment techniques in elementary mathematics. Presentation at the School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Convention. Colorado Springs, CO.

Kroeschen, K., & McGuire, P. (2011, November). Using the ASSISTment system to assess middle school mathematics students’ homework understanding. Presentation at the School Science and Mathematics Association Annual Convention. Colorado Springs, CO.

McGuire, P. (2011, October). ASSISTments: Classroom clickers on steroids. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Denver, CO. 

Kelly, C.A., McGuire, P., Fritz, T., & Peszek, P. (2011, October). The UCCSTeach Program: A model for preparing exemplary secondary mathematics and science teachers. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Denver, CO.

Kelly, C.A., & McGuire, P. (2011, October). Putting it all together: How the brain filters mathematical information. Presentation at the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference. Denver, CO.

McGuire, P. (2011, August). Formative assessment made easy with intelligent tutoring software. Hands-on technology workshop presented at the Colorado Learning and Teaching with Technology Conference. University of Colorado. Boulder, CO.

Kelly, C.A., McGuire, P., Fisher, C., & Weeres, Y. (2011, May). Developing and implementing a large-scale replication at a small-scale university. Presentation at the UTeach Institute National Math and Science Initiative Conference. University of Texas. Austin, TX.

McGuire, P., & Kinzie, M.B. (2011, April). An analysis of teacher-child interactions in pre-kindergarten mathematics. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference. New Orleans, LA.

McGuire, P., Berry, R.Q., Heffernan, N., & Heffernan, C. (2010, October). Leveraging open-source technology to improve pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in mathematics. Poster presentation at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference. Anaheim, CA.

Kinzie, M.B., Whittaker, J.E., McGuire, P., & Lee, Y. (2010, October). Pre-kindergarten mathematics & science: Design-based research on curricular development. Design and development showcase at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Conference. Anaheim, CA.

Lee, Y., Choi, J., & McGuire, P. (2010, June). A review of online dropout and suggestions for future research. Research paper presented at the International Society for Technology in Education Conference. Denver, CO.

Kinzie, M. B., Whittaker, J.E., Kilday, C.R., Pianta, R.C., McGuire, P., Pan, E., Foss, J., Lee, Y., Hughes, M. M., Josephson, K., Williford, A., Berry, R.Q., Thomas, K., & Kelly, C. (2010, June). MyTeachingPartner Mathematics-Science: Year 2 pilot outcomes. Poster presented at the Institute of Education Sciences Conference. Washington, D.C.

Kinzie, M.B., Pianta, R.C., Berry, R.Q., Foss, J., Williford, A., Kilday, C.R., Pan, E., Hughes, M.M., Josephson, K., Pinkham, A., McGuire, P., & Lee, Y. (2009, June). Pre-kindergarten math & science, year two: Development of curricula & teacher supports. Poster presented the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Conference. Washington, D.C.

Kinzie, M.B., Pianta, R.C., Kilday, C.R., McGuire, P., & Pinkham, A. (2009, June). Development of curricula, teacher supports, and assessments for pre-kindergarten mathematics and science. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Conference. Washington, D.C

Kilday, C.R., Kinzie, M.B., & McGuire, P. (2009, March). An examination of the quality of mathematics and science instruction in pre-k classrooms. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Conference. Denver, CO.

Kinzie, M.B., Pianta, R.C., Berry, R.Q., Wang, F., Hughes, M.M., Kilday, C.R., Pan, E., McGuire, P., & Josephson, K. (2008, June). Year one: Development of integrated pre-kindergarten curricula. Poster presented at the Institute of Education Sciences Conference. Washington, D.C.

External Grants Funded

McGuire, P., Block, R., Hines, L.M., & Christensen, T.M. (2017-2022). Supporting Noyce scholars through professional learning communities. The National Science Foundation – Robert Noyce Scholarship Program. NSF award #1660679. Amount funded = $1,172,688. Principal investigator.

Kalita, J., Ventura, J., & McGuire, P. (2017-2020). Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site: Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. The National Science Foundation - Division of Computer Network Systems. NSF award #1659788. Amount funded = $379,853. External evaluator.

Anderson-Pence, K.L., McGuire, P., Powers, A., & Valentine, A. (2017-2018). Colorado’s Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) program. Colorado Department of Education. Amount funded = $400,000. UCCS Subaward = $41,025. Co-principal investigator of UCCS sub award.

McGuire, P., & Bermudez, D. (2014-2015). Math CLASS for pre-kindergarten teachers: Improving the quality of teacher-child interactions. Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation. Amount funded = $50,000. Principal investigator.

Weathers, J., McGuire, P., & Gagliano, D. (2010-2011). Uncovering and addressing student misconceptions: Improving elementary teachers’ formative assessment capacity and mathematics pedagogical content knowledge. Colorado Department of Higher Education. Amount funded = $206,320. Project director.


  • 100Kin10
  • Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE)
  • UTeach STEM Educators Association (USEA)
  • Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CCTM)
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
  • School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA)
  • Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
  • International Society for Technology and Education (ISTE)


  • CU Excellence in Leadership Program, 2016-17
  • College of Education - Dean's Award for Inquiry, 2014
  • Feature article in UCCS Research and Innovations Magazine, 2012
  • National Science Foundations (NSF) Early Career Symposium Award, 2011


  • College of Education Technology and Innovations Committee UCCS
  • CRCW Proposal Review Committee
  • William J. Hybl Sports Medicine and Performance Center Planning Committee
  • CU System Faculty Council Communication Committee (FC3)
  • ASSISTments National Advisory Council