Scott Kupferman, PhD
Associate Professor, SPED Program Coordinator Teaching and LearningBiographical Information
Scott Kupferman, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor with tenure at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) and a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is also Director of the National Collaborative for Disability and Technology (NCDT), which is a federally funded network of 300+ people with disabilities, researchers, and technology companies who co-develop and co-research accessible technology. Dr. Kupferman's lines of research include: (1) accessible, assistive, and educational technology, (2) inclusive education, and (3) transition from K-12 to postsecondary education, employment, and independent living. He is an internationally recognized scholar with recent projects in Japan, India, Argentina, South Korea, Nepal, United Arab Emirates, and South Africa. His research, teaching, and service efforts have led to several awards, including invitations to be a delegate at the United Nations in Geneva, research fellow at multiple technology companies, specialist/fellow with the U.S. Department of State, and recipient of the U.S. Department of Education's Commissioner's Award for Excellence.
Ph.D., Utah State University, Special Education and Rehabilitation
CURR 5170, EDUC 2100 - Introduction to Technology in Education
CURR 9603 - Independent Study Educational Computing/Technology
IELM 3200 - Designing Transition and Inclusive Futures
IELM 3250/4070 - Students with Complex Support Needs
SPED 3000/5000 - Disability Studies in Education
SPED 3001/5001 - Introduction to Special Education
SPED 3004/5004 - Transition and Self-Determination
SPED 4020/5020 - Significant Support Needs
SPED 9500 - Independent Study Special Education
Multiple Ph.D. Dissertation Committees (Education; Computer Science)
Dr. Kupferman's scholarly work includes 30+ articles and book chapters, 100+ conference presentations, and 20+ widely used educational and assistive technology products (software and hardware). He has been principal investigator, co-principal investigator, or grant writer for 7+ million dollars in grant funding.
International collaborators (39 total): Japan, Ukraine, Russia, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Argentina, Nigeria, Bahrain, Philippines, Brazil, Rwanda, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Israel, Botswana, Cameroon, Chad, Haiti, Mali, Niger, South Africa, Togo, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Belgium, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Palestine
- Fulbright Scholar (Research and Teaching), University of Tokyo, Japan
- Specialist (Phase One and Two), U.S. Department of State, Washington DC
- Teaching Fellow, UCCS
- Fellow, U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Washington DC
- Outstanding Teacher Award, UCCS College of Education
- Outstanding Researcher Award, UCCS College of Education
- President's Award, National Council on Rehabilitation Education
- Research Award, Association on Higher Education and Disability
- Dean's Award for Innovation, UCCS College of Education
- Research Award, American Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- President’s Award, National Council on Rehabilitation Education
- Invited Attendee, President Barack Obama’s 20th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act White House Ceremony, Washington, DC
- Delegate, National Council on Disability
- Scholarship Award, National Council on Disability
- Accessible Technology Initiative’s Champion Award, California State University Chancellor’s Office
- Alfred R. Thompson Outstanding Service Award, Center for Independent Living
- Commissioner’s Award for Excellence, U.S. Department of Education