Research & Initiatives
Campus Connections
Campus Connections is a wellness and resiliency-oriented service-learning course that pairs UCCS students and youth from the community in mentor-mentee relationships. Youth are referred through our El Paso County Community partners and are matched with a UCCS student who provides one-on-one therapeutic mentoring throughout the semester.

Office of Inclusive Services
The Office of Inclusive Services (OIS) at UCCS is committed to providing equitable and meaningful inclusive access to university life for people with intellectual disabilities. The OIS works toward equal participation in academic, social, independent living, and career experiences on campus and in the surrounding community. Upon completion, students will transfer skills learned at college back into their community. As students with intellectual disabilities participate with equal access, the communities they engage in will transform to redefine inclusion.

Teacher Apprenticeship
Are you a paraprofessional already working in a classroom? Do you want to earn money while you work toward your teaching license? Are you interested in gaining on-the-job experience in teaching? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then a Teacher Apprenticeship might be for you! UCCS supports teacher apprenticeship programs in Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Special Education, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education.