Current Student Resources
Scholarships & Financial Aid
The UCCS College of Education (COE) strongly encourages undergraduate and graduate students considering a COE program to apply for financial aid.

Content Competency for Licensure
The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) requires that teachers demonstrate their content-specific knowledge through Praxis exam(s) or Multiple Measures of Content Competency (MMCC). UCCS teacher, principal, and school counselor candidates must meet these requirements to be recommended for licensure in the state of Colorado regardless of any other aspect of their preparation program.

Background Checks
A cleared background check is required for all field experiences: practicum, internship, and student teaching. Background checks for school-based experiences must be logged h the COOL system (Colorado Department of Education). All background checks must go through the CBI and FBI and reported to the correct entity (CDE or the College of Education). The College of Education will provide a payment voucher for ONE background check per student.

Student Employment Opportunities
The UCCS Student Employment Assistance Network (SEAN) is where students can go to apply for on-campus and off-campus hourly or work-study positions.

Student Academic Appeals
Our goal in the College of Education at UCCS is to provide the best experience for students. However, in the event that you have feel you have been treated unfairly, the College of Education has a process in place to address your concerns.
Formal procedures by which a currently enrolled student may seek to remedy academic and professional complaints within the College of Education are described below. Student appeals are challenges to academic actions or decisions, including but not limited to actions such as a final grade; a decision with respect to a student's academic standing in a program; a decision with respect to a student's field experience; or actions related to thesis or capstone projects.

Strategic Initiatives
MOSAIC and the LGBTQ+ Resource Center offer ongoing programs, training programs, workshops, leadership development opportunities, resources, and advising to all UCCS students.