Portrait Homer Wesley

Homer A. Wesley, PhD

Lecturer Leadership, Research, and Foundations

Biographical Information

Dr. Wesley most recently served as the UCCS Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management to assist and support the transition to new leadership.

He previously served for seven years as Vice President for Student Services at Pikes Peak State College, a primarily 2-year, metropolitan institution serving over 18,000 students annually. He has also served as Vice Chancellor of Student Success and Enrollment Management at UCCS from 2010 until 2016. He previously served in administrative leadership positions at Mississippi University for Women, University of Southern Mississippi, and Auburn University.

He has a comprehensive portfolio of experience at a variety of institutions covering a 43-year career in higher education. Serving at the 
vice-presidential level for the past 20 years, he has led teams at public 2-year, large research, and small liberal arts institutions overseeing personnel and budgets as well as building, nurturing, coaching, and sustaining strong divisional leadership teams.