Claire Girardeau

Claire Girardeau portrait

Claire Girardeau

El Pomar Extern
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Why I chose COE

“During their second year in the program at El Pomar Foundation, Fellows have the opportunity to engage in an externship. This consists of working at an external nonprofit, government entity, or civic organization and applying the skills and leadership capabilities acquired throughout the Fellowship to a new setting. I am excited to be spending my externship supporting the Student Resource Office at the UCCS College of Education. My long-term career goal is to become a leader in higher education, and this role allows me to explore university operations and learn how to balance the needs of students and faculty. While contributing to the collaborative team at the Student Resource Office, I am exposed to the admissions process, student engagement, and event planning as these staff members wear many hats. I look forward to developing personally and professionally in this role and assisting the incredible students at UCCS! ”