Hana Kang, PhD

Hana Kang, PhD

Assistant Professor Leadership, Research, and Foundations
Columbine Hall 3053
Columbine Hall 3053

Biographical Information

Dr. Hana Kang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations. Dr. Kang’s research examines how curriculum policy and teachers’ instructional practices shape underserved student populations’ learning experiences in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) as well as the social context that interplays with such educational factors to potentially cause inequity. Additionally, she has developed and validated educational and psychological tests and questionnaires using advanced psychometrics and statistics methods. In 2019, Dr. Kang received an American Educational Research Association dissertation grant funded by the National Science Foundation. Dr. Kang’s work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals including the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Educational Administration Quarterly, and Education and Urban Society.


2020Dual Ph.D. in Educational Policy & Measurement and Quantitative Methods,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
2013Master of Arts in Psychology with specialization in Psychometrics,
Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, South Korea
2011Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with minor Public Administration,
Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, South Korea


Areas of Interest

Quantitative Methods
STEM Education
Educational Equity and Social Justice


LEAD 5700 Introduction to Research and Statistics
LEAD 7100 Intermediate Quantitative Research and Statistics
LEAD 7600  Doctoral Research Lab

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

Kang, H., & Mavrogordato, M. (2023). Examining the relationship between multiple facets of professional development and teacher job satisfaction in the United States. Educational Studies.

Mavrogordato, M., Donaldson, M., Youngs, P., Kang, H., & Dougherty, S. (2023). Motivating leadership change and improvement: How principal evaluation addresses intrinsic and extrinsic sources of motivation. Educational Administration Quarterly.

Santiago, M., & Kang, H. (2023). Unintended consequences of value-added-measures on the inclusion of Latinx topics in social studies teaching. Education and Urban Society. 55(8). 975-995

Kang, H., & Cogan, L. (2022). The differential role of socioeconomic status in the relationship between curriculum-based mathematics and mathematics literacy: The link between TIMSS and PISA. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 20, 133-148.

Kang, H., Prunuske, J., Wendling, A., Edwards-Johnson, J., & Phillips, J.P. (2021). Development of short form of the family medicine attitudes questionnaire. Peer-Reviewed Reports in Medical Education Research, 5, 21.

Selected Peer-Reviewed Presentations

Kang, H., Guarino, C., Santibañez, L., Ream, R., & Li, Y. (2023, April). Interplay of gender and self-management in mathematics performance when students are on the move. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Kang, H. (2022, April). Holistic picture of high school mathematics and science course-taking and college enrollment in STEM majors. Roundtable presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association.

Kang, H. & Mavrogordato, M. (2020, April). English learners in high-school mathematics: An example of when heterogenous populations are lumped together. Paper acceptedat the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.

Kang, H. & Mavrogordato, M. (2019, April). The relationship between types of principal time use and teacher job satisfaction in TALIS-participating countries. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, San Francisco, California.

Kang, H. & Mavrogordato, M. (2018, November). Relationships among principal time use, school climate, and teacher job satisfaction. Paper presented at the annual conference of the University Council for Educational Administration, Houston, Texas.

Kang, H. (2018, November). The role of principal time use in teacher job satisfaction. Paper presented at the annual conference of the University Council for Educational Administration Graduate Student Summit, Houston, Texas.

Kang, H. (2018, April). How is professional development associated with teachers’ job satisfaction? Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, NYC, NY.

Kang, H. & Schmidt, W. (2018, March). Moderating effect of various socioeconomic statuses on the relationship between TIMSS and PISA. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Portland, OR.

Kang, H. (2017, March). Determining differential item functioning in mathematical literacy focusing on opportunity to learn and race/ethnicity. Poster session presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Washington, DC.

Kang, H. (2017, March). Comparing the roles of OTL in gender DIF in the U.S. and Korea. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Atlanta, GA.