Phillip Morris, PhD
Associate Professor Leadership, Research, and FoundationsBiographical Information
Dr. Morris is an Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. He earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from the University of Florida. Dr. Morris' research focuses on veteran and military student success, access to higher education, and advancing instructional outcomes. He teaches courses on program development, leadership, assessment, and measurement. Dr. Morris has published in journals such as Community College Review, Journal of Continuing Higher Education, and The Journal of American College Health.
PhD, University of Florida, 2011
Major: Higher Education Administration
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Research, Evaluation, and Methodology
Dissertation Title: Examining a Developmental Math Curriculum Redesign
MA, University of Florida, 2007
Major: Geography and GIS
BA, Concord University, 2003
Major: Political Science
Courses Taught at UCCS
LEAD 6830 Practicum for Student Affairs
LEAD 7600 Doctoral Research Lab
LEAD 2700 Introduction to Social Science Research
LEAD 1600 Leading Teams and Organizations
LEAD 5310 Program Development and Evaluation
LEAD 5220 Program Evaluation for Educational Programs and Projects
LEAD 5700 Introduction to Research and Statistics
LEAD 7000 Masters Research Lab
LEAD 8200 Assessment and Measurement
AMT 3280 Teams and Organizational Leadership
GPS 3010 Transitions, Veteran and Military Transition Course
GPS 1010 Gateway Program Seminar
Courses Taught at Other Institutions
Foundations of Geographic Information Systems
Introductory Physical Geography Lab
Peer Reviewed Publications
Morris, P. A., Burke, J., and Weiss, J. (2024) Patterns of Borrowing for Student Veterans, Journal of Student Financial Aid: Vol. 53: Iss. 2, Article 2. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55504/0884-9153.1814
Morris, P. A., & Clayton, G. (2024). GI Bill Students at Two-Year Colleges: Enrollment, Retention, and Support Trends. New Directions for Community Colleges. https://doi.org/10.1002/cc.20624
*Deickman, J., *Mattox, J., & Morris, P. A. (2024). Credit for Military Service in Community Colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges. https://doi.org/10.1002/cc.20621
Morris, P. A., & Deickman, J., (2024). Editors Notes: Practices, policies, and support for student veterans in community colleges. New Directions for Community Colleges. https://doi.org/10.1002/cc.20620
Morris, P. A., & Thompson, E. (2024). Simulating Surveys for Graduate Researcher Development. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frma.2024.1360333/full
Morris, P. A., Witkowsky, P., & BrckaLorenz, A. (2024). A Comprehensive Model for Military Connected Student Advising. In Differentiated Academic Advising Strategies for Students Beyond the Margins. Rowman and Littlefield.
Whitney, P., Kluge, M.A., Morris, P. A., Taylor, J., & Hoban, M. (2023). Determinants of Perceived Health in University Employees. Journal of American College Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2023.2283731
Morris, P. A., Lindsay, K., *Agana, P., *Watson, K., *Willson, D. (2023). National Study of Student Veteran Sleep Health. Journal of American College Health. https://doi-org.libproxy.uccs.edu/10.1080/07448481.2023.2280778
Morris, P. A., Swanson, K., & Hines, L. (2023). Transition of Veterans into STEM Professional Careers For a Skilled and Diverse Workforce. Journal of Continuing Higher Education [shared first authorship]. https://doi.org/10.1080/07377363.2023.2253610
Morris, P. A., Castro-Faix, M., Hengtgen, K., Rapp, K., Winkler, C., & *Xu, T. (2023). Virtues of Academic Exploration: Impact of Major Changes on Degree Completion. Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.24926/jcotr.v30i1.4904. [shared first authorship].
Morris, P. A., *Deickman, J., *McIntyre, K., & *Roberts, V. (2023). Engagement and Withdrawal for Community College Student Veterans. Community College Journal of Research & Practice. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2023.2189180
Morris, P. A., Agbonlahor, O., *Winters, R., & *Donelson, B. (2022). Self-Efficacy Curriculum and Peer Leader Support in Gateway College Math. Learning Environments Research. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10984-022-09424-y
Albanesi, H. P., Morris, P. A., , *Cassidy, S. (2022). Service-connected Disability: Belongingness, Access, and Quality of Life for Student Veterans. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability. 35(3), 189-202. https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/AHEAD/38b602f4-ec53-451c-9be0-5c0bf5d27c0a/UploadedImages/JPED/JPED_Vol_35/JPED_35_3_.pdf
Clayton, G., Morris, P. A., Taylor, J. & Carpenter, D. (2022). Conducting Online Research with Data from the National Center for Education Statistics. SAGE Research Methods Case Studies. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529600131
Morris, P. A., (2022). Student Veteran Inclusion, Belongingness, and Success. In G. Henning & E. Bentrim (Eds.), The Impact of Sense of Belonging in College: Implications for Student Persistence, Retention, and Success. Stylus Publishing. https://styluspub.presswarehouse.com/browse/book/9781642672619/The-Impact-of-a-Sense-of-Belonging-in-College\
*Metcalfe, A., Morris, P., Delewski, R. (2022). Exploring the connection between gender roles and post-trauma growth. In S. Rawat, O.B. Boe, & A. Piotrowski (Ed.). International perspectives on PTSD and PTG: Learning to Thrive from the Military. Jaipur, India: Rawat Publications. https://www.rawatbooks.com/psychology/international-perspectives-ptsd-ptg
Morris, P. A. (2022). Presenting a Holistic Student Veteran Advising Model. Research Briefs: National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. https://sc.edu/nrc/system/pub_files/1656092938_186.pdf
Morris, P. A., *McNamee, M., & *St. Louis, K. (2021). Military Cultural Competence Training: Lessons for Creating an Inclusive Campus Environment. Journal of Continuing Higher Education. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07377363.2021.1938804
Morris, P. A., Carpenter, D., *Rodriguez, F. (2021). Mental Health Stigma Among First-Year Student Veterans. Journal of American College Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2020.1851231
Morris, P. A., Barker, L., *Monar, A. (2020). Utilizing the Social Ecological Framework to Enhance Wellness for Student Veterans. Journal of American College Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2020.1844716
Morris, P. A., Albanesi, H. P., *Cassidy, S. (2019). Student-Veterans’ Perceptions of Barriers, Support, and Environment at a High-Density Veteran Enrollment Campus. Journal of Veteran Studies, 4(2), 180-202. https://journal-veterans-studies.org/articles/abstract/10.21061/jvs.v4i2.102/
Morris, P. A., Gibbes, C., Jennings, S. A. (2018). An Examination of Student Veteran Education Pathways at an American University. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 42(2), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03098265.2018.1436533
Awards & Honors
2024 Data Science Methods for Digital Learning Platforms Certificate Program – competitively selected participant
2023 UCCS SAHE Program Influential Educator Award
2022 AERA Exemplary Paper Award - Adult Literacy/Adult Education Special Interest Group
2021 Center for Community College Student Engagement Research Affiliate.
2018 UCCS Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Award
2017 University of Florida Institute for Higher Education Outstanding Alumni Award
2016 University of Colorado President’s Diversity Award Recipient (division/unit)
2016 UCCS Million Dollar Club Inductee
2014 CU Excellence in Leadership Program (ELP) participant
2013 UCCS Student Club Advisor of the Year
2013 Fort Carson Military to Civilian Leadership Academy
Grants and Resource Development
- 2024 Department of Defense (DoD) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) National Defense Education Program (NDEP) – Civil Society Amendment. Proposal Title: Digital Citizenship and Civics Leadership in the Pikes Peak Region (DCCL). ($1,134,861 - awarded). Role: PI
- 2021 National Endowment for the Humanities. To the Battlefield and Back: Dialogs of War. ($100,000). Role: External Evaluator & Trainer
- 2021 National Cybersecurity Center. Enhancing Digital Leadership for Student Affairs and Higher Education Professionals ($11,900 awarded). Co-PI Patty Witkowsky and Nick Tapia-Fuselier
- 2020 UCCS Committee on Research and Creative Works (CRCW). National Study of Student Veteran Wellness Characteristics ($7065 awarded). Role: PI
- 2018 Diversity and Excellence Grant, University of Colorado – Understanding and Communicating Student Veterans' Strengths to Stakeholders across UCCS Communities, ($3000 awarded) Role: Co-PI with Katie Sullivan and Kay Yoon
- 2016 University of Colorado President’s Diversity Award. Unit award for UCCS Veteran and Military Student Affairs, ($2000 awarded) Role: Lead
- 2015 Anschutz Foundation Challenge Grant – Military and Veterans Pathways to Success (MVPS) Project, ($1,000,000 awarded) Role: Lead
- 2014 JP Morgan Chase & Bank – Building Resilient Student Veterans, ($165,000 awarded) Role: Lead
- 2014 Title III Strengthening Programs Grant, U.S. Department of Education – Gateways to Success, ($2,000,000 awarded) Role: Co-PI
- 2014 Aurora Foundation Community Grant, Aurora Foundation – Enhancing Veteran Support: Transition Assistance and Education Outreach for Student-Veterans, ($5000 awarded) Role: Lead
- 2014 Diversity and Excellence Grant, University of Colorado – Creative Collaborations; Peer Mentoring as a Student Success Strategy for Student-Veterans, ($3000 awarded) Role: Lead
- 2013 UCCS Green Action Fund, University of Colorado Colorado Springs – Hydration Station for Veteran Resource Center, ($3000) Role: Lead
- 2013 USAA Community Grant Program, USAA – Veteran Educators Training and Support Project, ($5000 awarded) Role: Lead