Why COE?
We offer undergraduate and advanced degrees, initial and advanced licenses, and additional endorsements. In fall 2021, 1,348 students were enrolled for 9,532 credit hours across three departments: Teaching and Learning; Counseling and Human Services; and Leadership, Research, and Foundations.
The majority of students in the Department of Teaching and Learning complete the Bachelor of Arts in Inclusive Elementary Education (IELM). The UCCSTeach program is designed to serve secondary math and science educator majors. The Special Education program offers graduate licensure in Special Education Generalist and a Master of Arts degree in Special Education. The department also offers a BA in Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) and a Bachelor of Innovation in Inclusive Early Childhood Leadership (IECL).
The Department of Counseling and Human Services offers the MA in Counseling and Human Services (CACREP accredited) with emphasis areas in Clinical Mental Health, School Counseling, and Addictions Counseling. This department also collaborates with the United States Air Force Academy to offer an emphasis in Counseling and Leadership Air Officer Commanding Cohort (AOCC). The department also offers a BA in Human Services.
The Department of Leadership, Research, and Foundations offers a Master of Arts Degree in Leadership with an emphasis in Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE), coursework for principal or superintendent's license, and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Research, and Policy.
For information concerning COE programs, please contact the Student Resource Office at education@uccs.edu or 719-255-4996.